IPPR Scotland responds to Draft Budget
Russell Gunson, Director of IPPR Scotland responded to the Draft Scotland Budget
Russell Gunson, Director of IPPR Scotland responded to the Draft Scotland Budget
How did the critical Get help with technology service come about? Rachel Hope, Deputy director for Teacher services, and Shaf Gunton, Programme delivery manager, talk to Adaobi Ifeachor about the complexities and obstacles they faced and what's next for this essential service.
A new resource that enables blind and partially sighted people to hear' the Universe has been launched to ensure everyone can be inspired by the wonders of space.
The winners of a 36 million competition to fund innovative R&D projects across the UK to develop open RAN technology have been revealed by DCMS.
WTO's Informal Working Group on Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) launches the Trade4MSMEs platform, a tool aimed at helping small companies find trade-related information that improves their ability to trade internationally. The platform will also help policymakers design measures tailored to the needs of small companies.
Admiral Sir Tony Radakin KCB ADC, Chief of the Defence Staff Speech to the Royal United Services Institute
Julian Jessop, Economics Fellow at free market think tank the Institute of Economic Affairs, said: Even without a full national lockdown, the additional Covid restrictions apparently being considered in Whitehall could easily knock 2 per cent off GDP - costing the UK economy 4 billion a month - and force the taxpayer to stump up billions more to prevent a new wave of bankruptcies and job losses.
The Prisons Strategy White Paper, published on the 7 December 2021, sets out a new plan to deliver the biggest prison-building programme in more than 100 years - creating the right conditions to reform and rehabilitate offenders and ultimately cut crime, keeping streets safe.
Ahead of the techUK Digital Ethics Summit on 8 December, Hetan Shah, Chief Executive at The British Academy, outlines the role purposeful business will play in the implementation of digital and data ethics.
The average working-age woman in the UK earned 40% less than her male counterpart in 2019. This is because, among 20- to 55-year-olds not in education, long-term sick or retired:
A major new IPPR think tank report warns that a decline in political trust is undermining liberal democracy in the UK. In 1944, just one in three British people (35 per cent) saw politicians as merely out for themselves', while by 2014 that number was 48 per cent and in new IPPR polling conducted last weekend, 63 per cent said they share this view.
Blog posted by: Adam McCullough, Principal ITSM Architect, 07 December 2021.
Sue Daley, techUK Director of Technology and Innovation, shares her reflections on the progress made since our first Digital Ethics Summit in 2017.
Boost growth and public services by learning from Singapore's success, says think-tank
Victoria Hewson, Head of Regulatory Affairs at free market think tank the Institute of Economic Affairs, commented on the UK Climate Change Committee's report on the outcome of COP26
What does it mean to be a Black digital and technology expert in government? Adaobi Ifeachor speaks to Virginia Brown, a Black Content Design Lead, Courtney Allen, a Black Associate Product Manager and Keisha Herbert, a Black Senior User Researcher, to learn about their journeys into the Civil Service.
What is future ways of working and why is it important? Jack Collier, Head of Digital for School Services, talks to Adaobi Ifeachor about designing office spaces now that we return to work, and how this impacts culture as well as diversity and inclusion.
In DfE we have more than 10 communities of practice, all at different stages of maturity. Jen Staves, Head of Profession for content design talks to Adaobi Ifeachor about the intrinsic value of these communities.
techUK Summary of the recently published Strategic Commands Strategy Paper
Earlier this year, techUK set out our ambition to provide an environment in which members and stakeholders could come together to achieve a collaborative approach to social care. Since we published this mission statement, we have seen social care, and in particular the potential of digital transformation in this sector, move further up the political and public agenda, receiving welcome legislative attention.
New DEFRA consultation on forest product due diligence has been launched (3 December 2021 - 11 March 2022)
A new interactive graphic developed by UK researchers including Dstl will help people decide what to do in everyday situations to protect themselves and others.
I started working for MoJ in 1993 as an AA/Band F and am now a G6, I have had a variety of operational and corporate HQ roles. I stayed because I loved what I was doing and I can honestly ...
December brings the shortest day and longest night of the year - and with more than 16 hours of darkness, it's the perfect time for some stargazing!
Central Digital and Data Office's new Chief Technology Officer, Dan Bailey, outlines plans for the Office of the Chief Technology Officer and the CTO Council.