James Webb Space Telescope reaches final orbit
The James Webb Space Telescope (Webb) has reached its final destination where it will orbit about a million miles from Earth and observe the universe.
The James Webb Space Telescope (Webb) has reached its final destination where it will orbit about a million miles from Earth and observe the universe.
The Ministry of Defence yesterday published its new SME Action Plan, which follows the department's first iteration of the Action Plan, published in March 2019.
The industry-led sounding board to UK Government and Ofcom, UK Spectrum Policy Forum (UK SPF), yesterday released a new piece of research in collaboration with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) on how current shared spectrum access is creating the conditions for new players to provide innovative 5G services.
Katie Schmuecker, Deputy Director of Policy and Partnerships for the independent Joseph Rowntree Foundation responded to today's announcement of a new Way to Work campaign by the Department of Work and Pensions
Yesterday, the Law Commission has published its recommendations for a new legal framework to govern the introduction and continuing safety of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) on roads in Great Britain.
As part of Policy Exchange's Building Beautiful Programme, which recommends changes to planning policy and practice to ensure the UK has both beautiful and diverse places to live and work, a survey of 1,859 people has revealed deep concern over tall buildings in the UK - with nearly half (48%) of the respondents believing that tall buildings should not be allowed in suburban areas.
Peter gave the Working Group an overview of key progress updates, touching on the People at the Heart of Care White Paper, the Unified Tech Fund and ongoing pilots with 16 Integrated Care Systems on Digital Social Care Records and falls prevention tech.
Government needs shrink in size and scope if UK is to Build Back Better'
As online experiences become more sophisticated for consumers, so do fraudsters. How can data be used to help?
Andy Mayer, Energy and Infrastructure Analyst at free market think tank the Institute of Economic Affairs, commented on the UK's reliance on imported gas
Yesterday, the Law Commission has published its recommendations for a new legal framework to govern the introduction and continuing safety of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) on roads in Great Britain.
Dorset, and Devon and Cornwall police forces both achieve certification against the surveillance camera code of practice in relation to their use of drones.
HMG has released the first ever UK Government Cyber Security Strategy
Professor Len Shackleton, editorial and research fellow at free market think tank the Institute of Economic Affairs, commented on the proposed one-off payment of up to 500 for families to deal with high energy bills
The latest increase in the state pension age from 65 to 66 - which took place gradually between late 2018 and late 2020 - has significantly boosted the employment of both men and women, leading to 55,000 more 65-year-olds in paid work. Combined, 65-year-olds are working an additional 1.8 million hours per week due to this rise in the state pension age from 65 to 66.
Julian Jessop, Economics Fellow at free market think tank the Institute of Economic Affairs, commented on today's public sector finance data
"For the MoJ to thrive as an organisation, it must reflect the society it serves at every level" - MoJ Social Mobility Strategic Plan 2019-2022 At the heart of the MoJ is the belief that diverse backgrounds can bring fresh ...
Rt Hon Kit Malthouse MP, Minister of State for Crime and Policing, Home Office and Ministry of Justice spoke on the role of emerging technologies and the application of the law at a recent meeting of the House of Lords Justice & Home Affairs Select Committee.
FCDO has agreed a new Cyber and Critical Technology Partnership with Australia.
The system could be used to defend high value assets whilst alongside in harbour, and to protect critical infrastructure.
We previously blogged about how and why DLUHC is looking at reducing the burden of data submission to central government through user-centred design and automation. This post is about how we're designing and building the new "Submit social housing lettings ...
techUK is holding elections for the Chair and two Vice-Chairs of the Communications Infrastructure and Services Council, and we have opened nominations for members.
Overhaul of the technical control requirements reflect the changes in the way organisations are now working.
A big part of the work of organisations that deliver local services is submitting data about their activities to central government, so that existing policies can be monitored and new policies can be made. There's an official list of these ...
The Content Hub is basically a restricted and secure intranet created, designed, developed and written solely for the prison estate. It's the only 100% prisoner-facing service in MOJ Digital and Technology. In developing it, we've been constantly awake to the ...