Building Resilient Communications from Northern England
The North of England is emerging as a pivotal hub for the UK space economy
The North of England is emerging as a pivotal hub for the UK space economy
This is part of techUK's Digital Economy blog series, where we deep dive into defining trends across the tech sector.
We know tackling health inequalities is what motivated many leaders to step into integrated care system (ICS) hotseats. But was it worth it? A recent flurry of surveys and studies are starting shed some systematic insight on that question and in particular how ICSs are allocating resources to tackling health inequalities, and what they are actually focusing on.
This resource is intended as a summary of the commitments the three largest parties in England have made for the NHS, social care and public health in their manifestos, associated costing documents and media reports ahead of the general election on 4 July.
techUK has submitted a response to the HM Treasury and HMRC led consultation on the proposals for the design and administration of the UK Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).
techUK has submitted its response to the HM Treasury consultation on improving the effectiveness of the money laundering regulations.
Sarah Woolnough, Chief Executive of The King's Fund, responds to the health and care policies in the 2024 Labour Party manifesto
An assessment of the tax and spending changes proposed in the 2024 Plaid Cymru general election manifesto.
Carys Roberts, executive director at IPPR, reacted to Labour's manifesto launch
Siva Anandaciva, Chief Analyst at The King's Fund, responded to the latest NHS performance data
New report draws on survey data from Black Hat Europe attendees to outline this growing concern and what can be done to address it.
Rebecca Florisson, Principal Analyst of the Work Foundation at Lancaster University recently (11 June 2024) respondied to the new Labour market overview June 2024 released by the Office for National Statistics.
The UK is at the forefront of digital transformation in financial services and, through measures including open banking and regulatory sandboxes, as well as a focus on competitiveness in regulatory objectives, it has delivered an innovative, robust and competitive landscape for financial services firms and consumers.
Julian Jessop, Economics Fellow at the free market think tank, the Institute of Economic Affairs comments on data showing zero GDP growth in April
Money alone cannot cure cosmic loneliness
Blog posted by: Josh Nicholson, Senior Researcher, Centre for Social Justice, 11 June 2024.
Over the past 10 years, it has often been stated that the NHS treats more than a million people every 36 hours, but is that still true?
Comments on the health and care pledges within the Conservative Party's manifesto from Sarah Woolnough, Chief Executive of The King's Fund.
Tax Freedom Day is a measure of when Britons stop paying tax, and start putting their earnings into their own pocket.
Sarah Woolnough, Chief Executive of The King's Fund yesterday commented on the Liberal Democrat manifesto.
How will the next government change pensions policies? This report examines key decisions that need to be taken.
The UK is currently missing out on thousands of jobs and billions for the economy due to its slow pace at manufacturing and installing offshore wind farms, according to a new report from IPPR
In 2021, the last time that it was measured, the State Pension had a total obligation to the British people of £8.9 trillion- three times the UK's current GDP. This is set to balloon even further, due to the ratchet effect of the triple lock
In 2024 more than four billion people around the world are eligible to vote in elections.
To provide a credible vision for the country, the parties' manifestos must set out a plan to address the challenges the country is facing