The Kings Fund comments on ongoing industrial action
Siva Anandaciva, Chief Analyst at The King's Fund comments on ongoing industrial action in the NHS, ahead of junior doctor strikes beginning on Thursday 27 June
Siva Anandaciva, Chief Analyst at The King's Fund comments on ongoing industrial action in the NHS, ahead of junior doctor strikes beginning on Thursday 27 June
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Learn more from KPMG on agent augmentation, enterprise augmentation and cognitive agents.
Cuts to some council services are likely unless spending pressures abate, even with big increases in council tax and especially in more deprived areas
techUK is looking to commission the production and publication of the 2024 iteration of the Local Digital Index and report to show the strength of regional tech ecosystems across the United Kingdom
More than a million UK workers are unable to claim Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) due to their low earnings and may feel forced to work when they are ill, a new report warns.
Julian Jessop, Economics Fellow at the free market think tank the Institute of Economic Affairs, commented on the Bank of England's decision to hold the Bank Rate at 5.25%
Julian Jessop, Economics Fellow at the free market think tank, the Institute of Economic Affairs Commented on inflation falling to the Bank of England's target of 2 per cent in May
Leading economist Professor Tim Congdon calls for a shift in the Bank of England's approach to controlling inflation.
Following a competitive set of elections, I am delighted to announce that techUK's Health & Social Care Council has now elected a new Chair and Vice-Chair.
Carsten Jung, senior economist at IPPR reacts to today's inflation news
The UK has the lowest rates of investment of any G7 economy, according to new analysis by IPPR.
Dave Hawkey, Senior Research Fellow at IPPR Scotland Reacts to the Scottish government statistics released yesterday show overall emissions in 2022 were are down just 0.1% from 2021, marking the ninth time emissions targets have been missed.
techUK is excited to announce the refresh of the Strategic Partnership Agreement with Police Digital Service (PDS). This partnership was initially established in 2021 with the aim to create a formal link between the tech industry sector and PDS.
Confirming our commitment to strong transatlantic ties in technology and trade, techUK's Associate Director for International Policy and Trade, Sabina Ciofu, led a delegation of eight techUK members to Washington D.C. from 11 to 13 June 2024. The visit was marked by high-level engagements with key U.S. government departments and agencies, Congress staffers, as well as industry representatives and sister trade organisations.
techUK is excited to announce the refresh of the Strategic Partnership Agreement with Police Digital Service (PDS). This partnership was initially established in 2021 with the aim to create a formal link between the tech industry sector and PDS.
Diagnostics are tests or procedures used to identify a person's disease or condition.
Veena Raleigh, Senior Fellow, The King's Fund comments on the latest ONS statistics on avoidable mortality in England and Wales: 2021 and 2022
This week saw the Conservatives, the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats all publish their manifestos.
By following the United States and applying significant tariffs on EVs from China, the EU is risking its ambitious decarbonization goals.
On Thursday 13th June, Labour released its awaited Party Manifesto for the 2024 General Election.
As the UK's major parties release their manifestos, it's clear that the NHS remains a major focal point of the campaign
The North of England is emerging as a pivotal hub for the UK space economy
This is part of techUK's Digital Economy blog series, where we deep dive into defining trends across the tech sector.
We know tackling health inequalities is what motivated many leaders to step into integrated care system (ICS) hotseats. But was it worth it? A recent flurry of surveys and studies are starting shed some systematic insight on that question and in particular how ICSs are allocating resources to tackling health inequalities, and what they are actually focusing on.