Cross-industry call for crucial reforms to Apprenticeship Levy
Government must fix 3.5 billion mistake on apprenticeships says four leading trade bodies, this National Apprenticeship Week.

IFS - Our complex and poorly targeted system of tax subsidies for pensions needs reform
How should pensions be taxed? We propose income tax and National Insurance reforms that would more evenly support pension saving.

IPPR - New polling: Overwhelming national support for scrapping unliveable apprenticeship wages
Over three quarters of the public (78 per cent) do not think they could live on the Apprenticeship Minimum Wage, according to new polling by Opinium for the London Progression Collaboration ahead of National Apprenticeship Week.

IEA - Bank of England must avoid oversteering on interest rates, warns economist
Dr Andrew Lilico, Chairman of the Shadow Monetary Policy Committee and Fellow at the Institute of Economic Affairs Commented on the Bank of England's decision to increase interest rates to 4 per cent

IEA - Football regulator would put countrys most successful export at risk
Professor Len Shackleton, IEA Editorial and Research Fellow, and author of the report Red Card, commented on the revival of plans to set up a new independent football regulator

IFS - Council and school funding
After health, funding for Scottish councils is the second largest item in the Scottish Government's Budget.

IPPR - Shell profit transfers inexcusable and demands action
The UK's leading progressive thinktank, IPPR, has responded to the announcement that Shell has made 7.9 billion ($9.8bn) in profits in the last quarter (Oct-Dec 2022), taking their total profits in 2022 to 32.2 billion ($39.9bn), and yesterday announced a new round of share buybacks transferring a further 3.2 billion ($4bn) to shareholders.

IPPR responds to interest rate rise
The UK's leading progressive thinktank, IPPR, has responded to the announcement that the Bank of England has raised UK interest rates to their highest level for 14 years as it has just lifted them for the tenth time in a row, increasing them by half a percentage point to 4 per cent.

New Chair appointed for UK Spectrum Policy Forum
Abhaya Sumanasena has been appointed as the new Chair of the UK SPF. Sumanasena succeeds David Meyer, who recently stepped down after serving as Chair for the last seven and a half years.

Profound questions about who we look after when times are hard - JRF
Peter Matejic, Chief Analyst at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation responded to the latest report from the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England

techUK | Financial Services Council | Nominations now Open
techUK's Financial Services Council is now open for nominations to join its renewed term of office

Delivery Managers share the advice that changed their practice forever
Looking backwards propels you forwards No one in the Delivery Management profession has had the same journey into their careers, but we all started somewhere. We've shared the diversity of routes into the profession in blogs from Nic, Amy & ...

IFG - Ministers should empower locally elected leaders to be net zero trailblazers
A new Institute for Government report calls on the UK government to put England's mayors at the heart of its net zero strategy and give England's locally-elected leaders the powers and funding to become trailblazers in transitioning to a green economy.

A Birds Eye View of the Procurement Bill
The opportunities, impact, and the next steps for the Procurement Bill.

IEA - Landmark European study finds high taxes and harsh regulation worsen cost-of-living crisis
As inflationary pressures bite, new research finds excessive taxation and intolerable administrative barriers across European countries are disproportionately hitting the poorest households.

IEA - Shadow MPC votes to hold interest rates for risk of monetary overkill
At its most recent meeting, the Shadow Monetary Policy Committee has recommended that interest rates be held at 3.5 per cent at upcoming next MPC meeting. Five members voted for a hold, with two preferring a 25 basis points rise (0.25%) and two preferring 50 basis points (0.5%).

IFS - Decades of benefit reforms have pushed more people into work but very often into part-time, low-paid work with li
UK benefit reforms in recent decades have followed a consistent pattern of resulting in higher employment than the system they replaced - but usually in part-time, low-paid work which rarely leads to career progression.

How the DDaT Profession Framework supports our Business Analysts
How does the Digital, Data and Technology Profession Framework support the careers of Business Analysts at the Home Office? Simon and Rosie explain.

IfGs annual Whitehall stocktake reveals impact of political turbulence on civil service performance
How political turmoil has contributed to record levels of staff turnover and declining morale in the civil service.

Inspired by nature: chance to collaborate on underwater technology
Funding from NavyX and Dstl will back PhD programmes researching new methods of underwater propulsion and design, taking cues from the natural world.

New OEP Report: Environment in England remains under serious threat
Report sets out recommendations to get England back on track with its environmental targets

Take IMF forecasts with a fistful of salt, says IEA economist
Julian Jessop, Economics Fellow at the Institute of Economic Affairs commented on the International Monetary Fund's forecast that the UK economy will shrink by 0.6 per cent in 2023

Be part of the techUK Local Digital Capital Index Working Group
We are inviting techUK members to apply for a position to sit on the Local Digital Capital Index Working Group and get involved in the creation of the third edition of the Index which we will publish later in this year.