Data Protection and Digital Information Bill falls ahead of the UK General Election
With the Prime Minister calling a General Election for July 4 2024 the UK Parliament enters a period of ‘wash-up' to resolve all uncompleted legislation.
With the Prime Minister calling a General Election for July 4 2024 the UK Parliament enters a period of ‘wash-up' to resolve all uncompleted legislation.
techUK, alongside members of the UK Chips Coalition, have welcomed the announcement of a new National Semiconductor Institute, but it is critical to turn this rhetoric into action.
This week techUK's Public Services Board (PSB) have published their new paper, AI and Digital Transformation in the Public Sector.
Dr Maya Singer Hobbs, senior research fellow reacts to today's data release
techUK's international team was proud to lead our first ever members delegation to VivaTech in Paris.
Carsten Jung, senior economist at IPPR Reacting to yesterday's inflation news
Responding to the statistics, Marley Morris, IPPR associate director for migration, trade and communities, said:
Ofcom yesterday published a vision compiling contributions to its consultation on hybrid sharing between mobile and Wi-Fi in the Upper 6 GHz band.
Defra has published a consultation on reforming the registration model of REACH to a new system called the Alternative Transitional Registration model (ATRm).
On 20 May 2024, the UK's AI Safety Institute released its fourth progress report. The following is a short outline of the key announcements made with more detailed information below.
On Wednesday 16th May, the government published the Cyber Security Sectoral Analysis 2024 providing insights on the size and scale of the UK's cyber security industry. The analysis builds on the 2023 report which was published in April last year.
Learn more about how CESIUM, Trilateral Research's groundbreaking child safeguarding AI solution, is driving AI adoption.
The vital legislation passed into law having received Royal Assent
Announced by Minister Saquib Bhatti at CyberUK24, the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology has launched a Call for Views on a draft code of practice for software vendors to improve the resilience and security of software - which has become so widespread in day-to-day organizational operations. Government's intention to propose this policy intervention was outlined in its response to last year's call for views on software resilience and security for businesses and organisations.
Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan announces first AI Safety Institute overseas office in San Francisco.
Christopher Snowdon, Head of Lifestyle Economics at the free market think tank, the Institute of Economic Affairs responds to a report from the Institute of Alcohol Studies which claims that alcohol harm costs England £27.4 billion a year
Gas sector workers who could be affected by job losses in the transition to a net zero world can switch to other careers with the right kind of support from the government. However, the report warns against complacency and argues that without careful planning, the transition may jeopardise meeting net zero targets or lead to disruption in the workforce.
UK Semiconductor Institute announced to support key components of the government's Semiconductor Strategy.
Independent Institute to support UK Semiconductor Industry
With May's local elections in the rear-view mirror we are now firmly on the road to a General Election.
Anti-money laundering (AML) regulations force banks to cancel the accounts of innocent customers.
The National Infrastructure Commission, which provides government with impartial, expert advice on major long term infrastructure challenges, has published its annual assessment of infrastructure progress in the UK.
In this post, a policy lead and a user researcher discuss the concept of user ecosystem thinking and how it can be applied by designers in their day-to-day work. This concept and the practical activities we discuss in this post are derived from the book 'Rethinking Users: A Design Guide to User Ecosystem Thinking'.
The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) is leading on the creation of the United Kingdom Microbial Forensics Consortium (UKMFC).
The report presents the findings of a CETaS research project commissioned by the Joint Intelligence Organisation (JIO) and GCHQ, on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) and strategic decision-making.