Over 800,000 COVID-19 booster jabs delivered in three days
More than 800,000 people have had their COVID-19 booster jab in the past 72 hours, as the NHS vaccination rollout intensifies efforts to protect those most at risk from coronavirus.
More than 800,000 people have had their COVID-19 booster jab in the past 72 hours, as the NHS vaccination rollout intensifies efforts to protect those most at risk from coronavirus.
Parents can book COVID-19 vaccinations for their children online with appointments available over the half-term, the NHS has said, as the COVID-19 vaccination rollout continues.
Diagnoses of new malignant cancers in England increased from 323,450 in 2018 to 327,174 in 2019, new figures from NHS Digital show.
COVID booster jabs have been delivered or booked in at almost nine in 10 care homes as the NHS vaccination programme accelerates ahead of winter.
NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard recently (22 October 2021) announced that Dr Emily Lawson is returning to lead the NHS COVID vaccination programme.
Local authorities spent 21.2 billion on adult social care in 2020-21, statistics published yesterday by NHS Digital show.
Parents will be able to book COVID-19 vaccinations online for their 12-15 year old children from the end of today (Friday) with appointments available as soon as tomorrow, the NHS has announced.
The COVID-19 vaccination programme for children aged 12-15 years has now started. Thousands of young people across the country have already taken the opportunity to receive their vaccine. This blog answers key questions on the programme.
The first treatment for sickle cell disease in over 20 years will be rolled out to thousands of patients in England with life-saving benefits, the head of the NHS yesterday announced.
Responsibility for the National Disease Registration Service (NDRS) has transferred to NHS Digital from Public Health England (PHE). The transfer is part of the government's reforms to the public health system announced in March 2021.
The NHS has administered more than 850,000 vital top up jabs, as the biggest and most successful vaccination drive in health history continues.
PHE yesterday published the first comprehensive review of the evidence on gambling harms and their impact in England, using the best available scientific evidence.
Attendances at accident and emergency departments in England fell from 25.0m in 2019-20 to 17.4m in 2020-21, a drop of 30.3%, new NHS Digital figures show.
The NHS is inviting over one million more people who are most at risk from COVID for their booster vaccine this week as the next phase of the NHS vaccination programme continues at pace.
Figures showing the recorded prevalence of 20 conditions including asthma, hypertension, dementia, diabetes, and depression were yesterday published by NHS Digital.
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is now operational. The creation of UKHSA has meant reimagining the country's health security defences and how we can keep people safe and save lives. Read more about our work in this blog.
Over 95% of children have received the combined vaccine for diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio and Hib by the age of five.
This blog considers the challenges to children's health this winter, and the ways in which health visitors and school nurses as clinicians and leaders of local services can advise and support families and young people to protect their health as part of the Healthy Child Programme.
Reforms to the public health system announced in March become operational on 1 October. At this point, PHE will transfer its health protection functions into the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and health improvement / healthcare public health functions into ...
After the recent warmer weather and summer of more freedoms, it could be easy to think the pandemic is behind us. London currently has the lowest COVID-19 case rate of any region in England but people are coming back together ...
Today we have published the Health Profile for England 2021 report. The Health Profile for England report provides the most comprehensive look at the state of the nation's health. Like in previous year's reports, this update looks at a range of population ...
Find out about the steps we can all take to keep our blood pressure in check and help reduce the burden that high blood pressure places on the NHS and social care.
As students are welcomed into the new academic year, we know how important schools and colleges are to their health and wellbeing. Find out more about the actions taken to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 in schools and the steps to take if a student tests positive.
The COVID-19 vaccine is available to pregnant women at any point during their pregnancy. To date at least 62,000 women in the UK have received at least one dose. If you're expecting, here are five key reasons why you should ...
As an institution founded on the principle of equality, it's so important that we practice what we preach and make sure that the NHS is an inclusive place of work, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care writes.