NHS fast tracks mental health support for millions of pupils
More than 2.4 million children and young people now have access to mental health support in schools and colleges, thanks to the NHS fast tracking services to help address record demand.
More than 2.4 million children and young people now have access to mental health support in schools and colleges, thanks to the NHS fast tracking services to help address record demand.
The number of disabled staff in senior roles in England's health service has more than doubled over the past three years, helping the NHS better meet the needs of patients.
NHS England and NHS Improvement have today appointed Clare Panniker as the new Regional Director for the East of England.
Up to 500 new midwives from around the world are set to join maternity teams across the country under a new NHS England initiative.
Almost three million people (2,831,178) who are the most vulnerable to COVID have had their spring booster jab in the six weeks since the latest phase of the NHS COVID vaccination programme kicked off.
The NHS is rolling out a cutting-edge, life-saving COVID treatment as of yesterday, which is proven to save lives when given to the most seriously ill COVID patients in hospital.
A life-saving test that allows doctors to spot a rare form of eye cancer in babies in the womb is being rolled out by the NHS in England this week.
Almost three million people were referred for cancer checks over the last 12 months - the highest year on record - up by over a tenth on the 2.4 million people referred before the pandemic.
Information on the length and context of GP appointments is being included in NHS Digital's statistics on consultations in general practice from today.
Invitations will be arriving at the homes of more than one million families with five and six-year-olds this week, as the NHS continues to deliver the biggest and most successful vaccination programme in its history.
Margaret Keenan, the first person in the world to receive an approved COVID-19 vaccine, recently (22 April 2022) received her spring booster.
An online service enabling people to look up their NHS number quickly and easily was used 4.6 million times in its first year.
Hundreds of people have been diagnosed with lung cancer earlier through NHS mobile trucks, as part of the biggest programme to improve early lung cancer diagnosis in health service history.
Gym managers, dance teachers and a chef are among thousands of people who signed up to be volunteer vaccinators during the pandemic and have chosen to start a new career in the NHS.
Patients with Parkinson's disease are being given life-changing smart watches that allow doctors to remotely assess their condition in a pioneering project to revolutionise NHS care.
The COVID-19 backlogs in routine NHS treatment are being addressed, despite staff helping patients during the busiest winter ever, new figures show today.
Same-day hip replacements, one stop shops and mobile cataract units are just some of the ways NHS staff are helping hundreds of thousands of patients receive faster care.
Thousands of patients with COVID-19 who are most likely to be admitted to hospital are receiving a cutting-edge NHS antiviral treatment at home that improves symptoms within hours.
The NHS App is helping to reduce travel to GP practices with an average of 22,000 car journeys saved every month.
Over one million people have received a spring booster in just over two weeks since the latest phase of the NHS COVID-19 vaccination programme kicked off.
Black and minority ethnic (BME) representation in senior positions in the NHS are at their highest ever level according to an annual report into race equality across the NHS.
A joint National Patient Safety Alert has been issued by the NHS England and NHS Improvement National Patient Safety Team and the British Association of Dermatologists on the risk of inadvertent oral administration of potassium permanganate.
Leading Muslim NHS doctors are stressing that having a life-saving COVID vaccine during Ramadan does not break the daylight hours fast with the NHS spring booster campaign now underway.
The NHS have started vaccinating children aged 5-11 as of yesterday, as the biggest and most successful vaccination drive in health service history moves to the next phase.
Parents and carers of 5 to 11 years olds are now able to book a COVID vaccine for their children, as the biggest and most successful vaccination programme in NHS history expands again.