Health and care staff honoured In annual NHS Parliamentary Awards
Staff providing mobile 24/7 mental health support, a team fast-tracking cancer care and a vaccination outreach team, are among the winners of this year's NHS Parliamentary Awards.
Staff providing mobile 24/7 mental health support, a team fast-tracking cancer care and a vaccination outreach team, are among the winners of this year's NHS Parliamentary Awards.
NHS cancer patients will be the first in the world to benefit from chemotherapy delivered by drone as part of a new trial, NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard recently (05 July 2022) announced.
Thousands more people checked bowel cancer symptoms online this week thanks to Dame Deborah James, NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard recently (02 July 2022) revealed.
The NHS has saved taxpayers 1.2 billion in just three years, while securing cutting-edge treatments for patients, by using its buying power to negotiate better prices for hundreds of hospital medicines.
New analysis of health behaviours and conditions across ethnic groups in England has been published by NHS Digital
Dedicated mental health staff to help children and young people in GP practices, and blood pressure checks in betting shops, are among initiatives devised and delivered by new integrated care systems that come fully into force today.
Patients are being offered faster treatment in different parts of the country as part of an NHS final push' to virtually eliminate the number waiting two years or more.
36.3% of carers reported feeling very or extremely satisfied with support and services in 2021-22 (down from 38.6% in 2018-19), according to a survey1 of 43,525 adult carers in England, published today by NHS Digital.
England's leading NHS medic is urging those eligible for a spring booster but yet to come forward to take up the offer as soon as possible as a quarter of a million reminders go out before the end of the month.
Hundreds more international medics and refugees, including those from Ukraine, Afghanistan and Myanmar have joined the health service and are set to become NHS doctors, thanks to the introduction of a new medical support worker role (MSW).
The number of people on the waiting list for diagnostic tests has dropped and there are two-thirds fewer people waiting more than two years for elective care, new figures out yesterday show, as the NHS continues to make progress in the biggest catch-up in health service history.
Staff in high street pharmacies will be funded to spot signs of cancer as part of a new drive to catch tumours early when they are easier to treat, NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard announced today.
The NHS is set to roll out two superbug' busting drugs through a world-first, pioneering subscription deal that will help tackle antimicrobial resistance, the head of the NHS announced today.
Thousands of new mental health experts will be on hand to support people in their local GP practice amid record demand for services, the head of the NHS announced recently (11 June 2022).
Nurses, midwives, doctors, vaccination teams and domestic staff are among those celebrated in a prestigious competition to mark the NHS's 74th birthday, as the NHS Parliamentary Awards shortlist is revealed.
A new framework designed to increase innovation and choice in the primary care IT market has been launched by NHS Digital.
NHS Digital's flagship security awareness toolkit, Keep I.T. Confidential, has been updated to help support social care organisations to improve security culture within their care settings.
NHS one stop shops' have delivered over one million checks and tests since the rollout began, as the biggest catch up programme in health history gathers pace.
Neighbourhood teams must be central to improving access to primary care for patients, a new review has said.
We join together as NHS and charity leaders to encourage people with a weakened immune system to continue to book in or visit a walk-in centre for their COVID-19 vaccines. All individuals aged 12 years and over who are immunosuppressed are advised to receive a Spring booster dose of the vaccine, typically six months after their last dose.
In celebration of Clinical Trials Day, some of the DigiTrials team took over NHS Digital's Twitter page to answer your questions.
In celebration of Clinical Trials Day, some of the NHS DigiTrials team took over NHS Digital's Twitter page to answer your questions.
Record numbers of men are getting checked for prostate cancer thanks to a lifesaving awareness raising campaign, the NHS said yesterday.
Hundreds of people with a form of the most common form of lung cancer could survive twice as long with the disease, thanks to a drug now available on the NHS.
The NHS performed a record number of diagnostic tests for March while continuing to bring down the number of longest waiters for elective treatment, as part of the most ambitious catch up plan in NHS history, new figures show.